“The future is green energy, sustainability, renewable energy” - Governer Arnold.

Light up the future

About light up the future

Light up the future aims to improve wellbeing and livelihood in underprivileged communities through a two-pronged approach; through internet infrastructure and sustainable energy for underfunded schools. We believe that sustainable energy through solar panels is vital to the development of such schools as it would greatly reduce the variable cost of running a school, meaning more funding could be used to buy notebooks and physical education equipment. This would greatly increase the productivity of schools. Renewable energy would also reduce the long term carbon footprint of schools. On the other hand, we believe that internet connectivity is vital to a quality 21st century education. Videos, articles, books and games are all accessible on the internet, therefore providing a new, more engaging way of learning.

Our targets for 2021

This campaign’s targets for 2021 is to generate 25% of the school’s annual output through solar panels and to upgrade internet connectivity to 4g broadband speed. We believe these targets are realistic with our projected funding and they are significant enough to have an impact on the students’ education.


Light up the Future Update

Due to coronavirus restrictions, this campaign will be temporarily suspended.